Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tech Article 9/23

The United states is concerned about cyber attacks that are happening in Japan. The United states gave a stern warning to Japans defense contractors that they should be careful. This is one of many cyber attacks on Japan. The United States are concerned for japan by the way they handle the important information.This could be serious because japan designs most of our military weapons and other equipment and all of this information could be stolen by the online hackers. The breach happen after the air traffic controller was questioned for posting secret american flight information and flight paths of Air Force One and this is why the United states are concerned.

Click here for more information about the attacks


Elim97 said...

Micheal this is AWESOME!!! look up more videos this interesting...

Anonymous said...

This seems interesting, i didn't know this was occurring in Japan.

Anthony said...

I hope this doesn't happen to America